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uptimerobot 1.0.0
an Abbot package for Microsoft Teams by Snuggle Chat
Manage and Monitor your services with Uptime Robot https://uptimerobot.com/
About Abbot
Abbot is a programmable bot that turns your team chat into a shared command center. We handle all the boilerplate of building and running these conmmands so that you can focus on making tools that help you ship faster.
We built Abbot because we saw the power of this style of work (called ChatOps), when we worked at GitHub. ChatOps made it possible for GitHub to work productively without meetings, while globally distributed. We think it's a pretty great way to work, so we made it easy to use in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.
You can read more about Abbot here, check out our blog, or take a look at some of the other cool packages available as a one-click install from Abbot's Package Directory.
UptimeRobot is a super useful free service monitoring service. This skill is the beginning of support for querying/configuring the monitors in your UptimeRobot account.
Required Secrets
api-key API key from UptimeRobot. Full read/write permissions expected. Get an API key from My Settings page → API Settings section → Main API Key.
This skill can respond to post to channels when UptimeRobot detects that a monitor has gone up/down. To do this a Webhook Alert needs to be added to UptimeRobot and configured in a specific way that Abbot can recognize it.
Add a Trigger
In a channel in your chat platform ask Abbot to attach to the channel. @abbot attach uptimerobot Abbot will respond with a link to manage your triggers. Follow the link and note the trigger url for the channel you just attached.
In the My Settings page of UptimeRobot, Add Alert Contact in the Alert Contacts section. And fill out the following details:
Alert Contact Type: Webhook
Friendly Name: < Whatever you want to call this alert >
URL to Notify: < The url noted from step 1 >
POST Value: {"stat":"ok"} (This was the only way I could find to convince UptimeRobot to trigger the Webhook with POST rather than GET. Abbot only listens for POST requests.)
Check "Send as JSON ..."
Enable notifications for: < Select your preference >
Get SSL expiration reminder notifications: Unchecked (this isn't supported by the skill yet).
Create Alert Contact!
In the My Settings page of UptimeRobot add the new Webhook alert to all the Minitors that you wish to have trigger this skill. (Note: There's a Bulk Actions link towards the top of the Monitor list that allows you to add the alert to all your Monitors at once.)
@abbot uptimerobot list - Lists all monitors and their current status.
@abbot uptimerobot new {type} {url/ip} {name} - Create a new monitor. Currently only supports type 3 (PING). Do not include protocol in URL.
@abbot uptimerobot delete {id} - Delete monitor. WARNING: Minimal error protection, be careful!
@abbot uptimerobot set {id} {key} {value} - Edit the some property of a monitor. (Note: Monitor type cannot be changed.)
Version History
Release Notes
Initial release. Support for listing/creating/deleting/modifying monitors. Support for http triggers.
Sign in to add this to Microsoft Teams
You need an account to install this package with Abbot. Signing in with Microsoft Teams will create an account if you don't have one already.
Not using Microsoft Teams? No worries! Abbot works in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.