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grafana 1.0.0
an Abbot package for Slack by Serious Business
Query grafana dashboards and generate visual graphs.
About Abbot
Abbot is a programmable bot that turns your team chat into a shared command center. We handle all the boilerplate of building and running these conmmands so that you can focus on making tools that help you ship faster.
We built Abbot because we saw the power of this style of work (called ChatOps), when we worked at GitHub. ChatOps made it possible for GitHub to work productively without meetings, while globally distributed. We think it's a pretty great way to work, so we made it easy to use in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.
You can read more about Abbot here, check out our blog, or take a look at some of the other cool packages available as a one-click install from Abbot's Package Directory.
Visualize Grafana graphs from chat.
Check out our blog for an in-depth tour of this skill!
This skill requires the following secrets to be configured:
GrafanaKey - Grafana API key, generated from https://your-grafana-host/org/apikeys
List all panels of the dashboard named "Big Dashboard". Dashboard names are case insensitive and can be partial matches
@abbot grafana panels big
Visualize all graphs (panels) of the Home dashboard
@abbot grafana db home
Graph of the panel with ID 3 (use the panels command to get the IDs of panels) of the "Home" dashboard, with a time window of 2 days to 1 day from now
@abbot grafana db home:3 2d 1d
Graph of the "Client Side full page load" panel" with a window of 24 hours, including several templated variables
@abbot grafana db "grafana dashboard:client side full page load" 24h var-app=backend var-server=backend_01 var-server=backend_03 var-interval=1h
Graph of panel with ID 3, set on a specific timezone and with width and height of 1000px.
@abbot grafana db home:3 tz=Europe/Lisbon width=1000 height=1000
• db or dash - Render panels in a dashboard.
• panels - List the panels of a given dashboard. Use the IDs returned by this in the db/dash command as the panel id.
• list - List available dashboards.
• config - Manage configuration variables.
• help [command] - Get detailed help on each available command.
This skill requires a Grafana API key set up as a secret, and the hostname of your grafana instance.
Grafana Host:
• Call @abbot grafana config host [hostname], where [hostname] is your grafana instance url (for eg. https://play.grafana.org).
Run @abbot grafana help [command] for more information on a command.
Version History
Release Notes
💹 Initial release!
Sign in to add this to Slack
You need an account to install this package with Abbot. Signing in with Slack will create an account if you don't have one already.
Not using Slack? No worries! Abbot works in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.