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github 2.0.1
an Abbot package for Slack by Serious Business
Useful skill for GitHub customers. Retrieve and assign issues. Get billing info.
About Abbot
Abbot is a programmable bot that turns your team chat into a shared command center. We handle all the boilerplate of building and running these conmmands so that you can focus on making tools that help you ship faster.
We built Abbot because we saw the power of this style of work (called ChatOps), when we worked at GitHub. ChatOps made it possible for GitHub to work productively without meetings, while globally distributed. We think it's a pretty great way to work, so we made it easy to use in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.
You can read more about Abbot here, check out our blog, or take a look at some of the other cool packages available as a one-click install from Abbot's Package Directory.
A skill used to manage GitHub issues from chat.
Set the default repository for the current room.
@abbot github default is aseriousbiz/blog
List unassigned issues in the repository
@abbot github issue triage
Assign an issue to another user.
@abbot github issue assign #123 to haacked
You can also map chat users to GitHub users. This makes it possible to assign issues AND mention the user at the same time.
@abbot github user haacked is @phil
@abbot github assign #123 to @phil
In this case haacked is the GitHub username and @phil is the chat user. The order of the assignment doesn't matter.
List issues assigned to you.
@abbot github issues assigned to me
We plan to add a lot more!
Recommended aliases
If you primarily use GitHub for managing issues, you can use an alias to effectively create a nice shortcut to manage issues.
@abbot alias add issue github issue
@abbot alias add issues github issues
With these in place, you can omit the github part when managing issues. For example,
@abbot issue triage
@abbot issues assigned to me
@abbot issue assign 123 to haacked
This skill requires the following secrets to be configured:
githubtoken - GitHub Personal Access Token with permissions to the repository or repositories you want to manage.
@abbot github default {owner}/{repo} - sets the default repository for this skill for the current room.
@abbot github user {{mention}} is {{github-username}} to map a chat user to their GitHub username.
@abbot github issue triage [{owner}/{repo}] - Retrieves unassigned issues. Limited to 20.
@abbot github issue #{number} [{owner}/{repo}] - retrieves the issue by the issue number. {owner}/{repo} is not needed if the default repo is set.
@abbot github issue close #{number} [{owner}/{repo}] - closes the specified issue.
@abbot github issue assign #{number} to {assignee} [{owner}/{repo}] - assigns to the issue. could be a chat user, a GitHub username without the @ prefix, or "me".
@abbot github issues assigned to {assignee} - Retrieves open issues assigned to . could be a chat user, a GitHub username without the @ prefix, or "me".
@abbot github billing {org-or-user} - reports billing info for the specified organization or user. Requires that a secret named GitHubToken be set with admin:org permission for orgs and user scope if reporting on a user.
Version History
Release Notes
We have an upcoming change planned where Room.ToString() will return the mention syntax (ex. <#room-id|room-name> on Slack) rather than just the room name. So this updates the payload to explicitly grab the room name. There should be no observable behavioral changes.
Saving the default repository is per-room. Previous versions of this skill used the room-name as a key to save these values. However, room names can change. Now it uses the room Id if available, otherwise it uses the room name
✨ Initial release!
Sign in to add this to Slack
You need an account to install this package with Abbot. Signing in with Slack will create an account if you don't have one already.
Not using Slack? No worries! Abbot works in Slack, Discord, and Microsoft Teams.