Keith Dahlby is an Abboteer

We’re seriously thrilled to share that Keith Dahlby (whom you may know as @dahlbyk on GitHub and Twitter) has joined us as a Founding Software Engineer to help make Abbot even more enjoyable to use.

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It's not every day that you get to work with a serious creator of a tool as powerful and useful as posh-git. But for us, that day is today as we welcome Keith Dahlby (twitter) to A Serious Business, Inc. as a Founding Software Engineer!

Keith has been a part of the .NET and Git community for over a decade. For the past couple months, he's been a part-time contractor with us. He's been a huge help in getting Abbot to where it is today. We're excited to have him join us full-time to help us make Abbot even better.

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September 1, 2024
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